Sunday, May 3, 2009

Grand Kids are the Best!

A couple weeks ago Neil and I went to see Cody and Braden play baseball. We hadn't seen the kids for a while.
We watched most of Cody's game. It was so cold and had been sick so we didn't stay until the end. It was so fun to watch him play. We also got to see Brookly and get loves and hugs. Braden also played on another field. I love to watch their games. I love my grandkids so much! Each and every one of them!
Uncle Evan Larsen

My Uncle Evan Larsen passed away on April 23rd. He was such a great man. He has lived in Utah, Japan, Hawaii, Okinawa, California and Las Vegas. He served his church for over 20 years as a missionary in Japan, a work mission in Japan, Branch President, Stake President, Regional Representative in Hawaii. Then he was Mission President in Okinawa. He also had a job with the church as a contractor. He remodeled and oversaw chapels on all the islands, as well as some out lying islands. He always had time for his family. His funeral was so nice. The really put across that he always told all of them that family is the most important. He served his Heavenly Father and his family all his life. His wife Ester has had poor health for many years. Evan has taken care of her for many years. He went quickly. He was diagnosed with cancer only a couple months ago. One thing he really wanted to do before he passed was to go to Fairview and visit with his sisters. This picture is of them together at a family wedding. They are Joanne (Florida), Marilyn (Fairview), Evan (Las Vegas), Etta Marie (St George) and Susan (St George). They have been a very close family. They were also at his funeral, as well as his brother Lewis. He was such an example to everyone. I remember how he always treated me and made me feel special. I love you and will miss you!